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Wed, May 12, 21.

Table Summary of The Prophecy & Fulfillment of—Emmanuel, Assyria and Jerusalem




Prophesied in the days of King Ahaz of Judah


Fulfilled in the days of King Hezekiah of Judah

Washerman’s Field

Isaiah meets King Ahaz at “...the end of the aqueduct of the Upper Pool, on the road to the Washerman’s Field ” [Isa 7:3]

Washerman’s Field

King Hezekiah sent men— Eliakim son of Hilkiah the palace administrator, Shebna the secretary, and Joah son of Asaph the recorder —to meet the Assyrian field commander who had come with a large army at—“... the aqueduct of the Upper Pool, on the road to the Washerman’s Field ” [Isa 36:2]

Shear-Jashub and the Remnant

The name of Isaiah’s son, Shear-Jashub, means “ a remnant will return ‘to Yahweh’ [Isa 7:3]. By God’s instruction, he was with Isaiah when he went to meet king Ahaz.

The point being that Assyria wouldn’t succeed in destroying all of Israel and Judah but there will be a remnant, a group of survivors.

Shear-Jashub and the Remnant

The Jews who were left in Judah were referred to as a “ remnant ” [Isa 37:4,31-32].

The King of Assyria had attacked and captured all the fortified cities of Judah [Isa 36:1], Jerusalem was really the last. Therefore, those in Jerusalem at the time were a remnant.


Isaiah prophesied the invasion of Judah by Assyria [Isa 8:7-8; 10:5-6].


Assyria under King Sennacherib invaded Judah [Isa 36:1]

Near success of Invaders

Like the “mighty floodwaters of the river” Euphrates reaching up to the neck of a man and almost drowning him, the King of Assyria with his army was to invade the land of Judah as far as Jerusalem but will not succeed [Isa 8:7-8].

Jerusalem is the head of Judah. The floodwaters reaching up to the neck is the invading army reaching up to Jerusalem. In other words, Judah would almost be drowned, i.e., almost completely destroyed, in the flood.

Near success of Invaders

The King of Assyria with his army attacked and captured all the fortified cities of Judah [Isa 36:1], Jerusalem was really the last.

After reaching as far as Jerusalem, the King of Assyria had to give up the campaign and return to his own country [Isa 37:8-9,33-37].

Therefore, just as prophesied, the Assyrian army got up to the neck and almost drowned the head, i.e., Jerusalem, but it didn’t

Mode of Deliverance

God would deliver his people by inflicting the invading Assyrian army with a plague, a “wasting disease” [Isa 10:16-19].

Mode of Deliverance

85,000 men were killed in one night in the Assyrian camp by the Angel of Yahweh [Isa 37:36]. Evidently, this was a plague [ cf., 2Sa 24:15-17].

The Deliverer

About to drown Judah would be delivered by Emmanuel [Isa 8:7-8]. In other words, Judah would be delivered from the invading Assyrian army by Emmanuel ; they would be delivered by “ God with us ” [Isa 8:10].

The Deliverer

Jerusalem with the Assyrian army about to destroy it was delivered in one night by the Angel of Yahweh [Isa 37:36].

The Angel of Yahweh was the Immanuel who delivered Jerusalem from the invading Assyrian army.


The Angel of Yahweh is the One that Yahweh speaks of as Immanuel.

Before the prophecy of Isaiah, the Angel of Yahweh was the only “God with us” that Israel ever knew.

Immanuel’s Birth

Isaiah prophesied that Immanuel will be conceived and given birth to by a virgin [Isa 7:14].

Immanuel’s Birth

This was not fulfilled in the days of King Hezekiah—the Angel of Yahweh at that time had not been in the womb of a woman.

This, at the time, meant that the Angel of Yahweh, since he is Immanuel, would in the future be born as a man through a virgin woman.

This has been fulfilled, in the birth of Christ Jesus to Mary [Mat 1:18-23].